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Defining the Definitive

Main Entry: de·fine
Pronunciation: di-'fIn
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): de·fined; de·fin·ing
transitive senses
1 a : to determine or identify the essential qualities or meaning of <whatever defines us as human> b : to discover and set forth the meaning of (as a word)
: to make distinct, clear, or detailed especially in outline <the issues aren't too well defined>
intransitive senses : to make a definition
Main Entry: de·fin·i·tive
Pronunciation: di-'fi-n&-tiv
Function: adjective
: serving to define or specify precisely

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01/25/03 - Construction
02/01/03 - Premiere Launch - Version 4
04/27/03 - PreMature Relaunch (Election Week)
06/18/03 - Summer Launch - Version 5
07/22/03 - DePict Summer 2003; Pics added
07/23/03 - DePict School, DePict Raver added

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[Bettina] viEtTeMptAziAn
[Dez] PoizonAzn World Version 5.0
[Julius] I Can Feel Your Beat

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